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Correlates Between Free Will and Levels of Spiritual Awakening

Writer's picture: Anhad KashyapAnhad Kashyap

Updated: Aug 20, 2019

Anhad Kashyap [1], Prem Sevak Sudhish [2], Sumat Nanda [3]

TSC Account No: TSC20083301

Conference Reg ID: CC6 -AC4858

Primary Topic Area: Free will and agency

Secondary Topic Area: Meditation


The question of free will versus absolute determinism has often been debated. In this paper, we propose the idea of limited free will, with the limit being determined by the level of spiritual awakening of the individual. In support of the model of limited free will, we draw illustrations from several instances from thousands of years of progressive wisdom in the eastern spiritual tradition. In our presentations at previous editions of this conference, viz. “Randomness, Higher type fuzzy sets and models for free will” (TSC’12), “Gods architecture: A comparative representation of Creational and Physical Systems with Special Emphasis on Change Management and Control Mechanisms” (TSC’13) and “A graded approach to freewill” (TSC’15), models for the nature of free will were proposed and some inferences and comparisons were drawn between the purported probabilistic nature of creation comparing it to the determinism brought out by individual observers. In one of these papers, it was also concluded that there must be a performance mechanism based on levels of energies for Karmic computation. The current work is a natural extension, where we look at individual events and decisions in the life of an individual based on the karmic energy, analogous to domain transformation in integral transforms, for example, conversion from frequency to temporal domain in the Fourier transform.


The objective of this paper is to explore the three hypothetical models of creation:

1. Deterministic model of creation – Determinism is the doctrine that all events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes regarded as external to the will.

2. In deterministic model of creation –

Indeterminism is the doctrine that not all events are wholly determined by antecede nt causes.

3. Limited Free Will Model of creation – In this model of creation we propose that

c ertain aspects of this crea tion are determined whereas certain aspects are not.

In order to approach the above models , we would like to take the following axiom s:

1. Moksha, the concept of emancipation,

liberation, release or freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth is the ultimate objective of life.

2. In order to ensure transformation of souls, the creation was designed as a purificatory process.

3. There are three grand divisions in the creation:

a. Physical Plane (Pinda)

b. Mental Plane (Bharamanda)

c. Spiritual Plane ( Spiritual Plane )

4. The following states exist in the creation:

5. The following states do not exist and are impossible states:

6. An observer is a conscious body either having natural or induced observing capabilities. All observers would have a Body, Mind and Soul. Natural observers are living creatures having at least one sense organ. In Induced observers, the sensing or measuring capabilities are electrically or magnetically induced.

All the above mentioned axioms would be discussed in greater detail during the course of this paper.


The following are the objectives of this paper:

1. To understand the importance of Change Management and evaluating the different models of change.

2. To understand Quantum Superposition and evaluat e its suspected role as natures tool for executing change.

3. To understand the limitations and repercussions of Deterministic and In - deterministic models of creation.

4. To understand how Individuals at any given point in time are under the physical influence of these physical heavenly bodies.

5. To understand how each individual is gifted with a chakra system wherein each chakra has a particular frequency and there is transformation of these frequencies from frequency domain to time domain i.e. frequency to events.

6. To understand how through the process of meditation, an individual can reduce these planetary influences and increase his free will.

7. To scientifically understand how and why physiognomy, astrology and other occult sciences work.

8. To understand how the level of spiritual awareness of an individual would be indirectly proportional to the accuracy of astrological predictions or how the Level of spiritual awareness of an individual would be directly proportional to his free will.


Mostly all religion and sects in the eastern tradition have emphasized on the concept of Moksha, the concept of emancipation,

liberation, release or freedom from the cycle o f death and rebirth . Moksha is considered as the ultimate objective of life. Inherent in the concept of Moksha, lays the con c ept of improvement, ascension and transformation. Therefore from the concept of Moksha one can logically derive the existence of a sit uation which demanded a

transformation in the original design of the creation. The previous point also suggests that there must have been a pre creational condition. Let us look at a few references which suggest the possibility of a pre creational conditio n.

1. Quran - Surah Baqrah (2:117) “The originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it: “Be! And it is.”

2. Bible Genesis 1:3 – In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light and it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

If we analyze the above two verses, it appears that God appears to have an eternal existence and that the creation was ordered and created by God himself.

Similar are the view s of many other Easter sects including the Isha Foundation led by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudeva. Another interesting concept pertaining to creation of the Creation has been given by Dr. Prem Saran Satsangi (Spiritual Leader, Radhasoami Satsang, Dayalbagh). Based on experiential phenomenon, Dr. Satsangi considered the existence of a Pre Creational Condi tion as an axiom and has advocated for the purpose of creation being limited to purificatory process of transform ing and rectify ing the deficiencies/imperfections in the pre- creational eternal setup.

Therefore it is appropriate to conclude that the eastern and western religious beliefs as far as Pre Creational eternal existence is concerned, are in harmony.

Based upon the above religious references, let us try and compare the Creator, who intended to transform imperfections in his system to a CEO who plans to transform his organization. Using this analogical comparison, we will try and explore

Short term / temporary model of change and Long term / p ermanent and sustainable model of change.

As we see in the system transformation workflow, the patterns of decisio n making a quite si milar in both the cases. Let us look at the two models of change and their repercussions on the intended

change. Based on analyzing the outputs we can understand the merits and benefits of choosing the Permanent, Long Term and Sustainabl e model of change.


A temporary change is usually a quick or fast change brought about by using tools like pressure, suppression, coercion, power, terror etc, to achieve quick results. These changes are usually not long lasting and often lead to future situations of conflict. The Communist model of Governance is an example where the Communist Party plays a pivotal role and considerable restrictions are imposed on the civil

liberties and rights of people to suppress dissent, There is always a strong possibility of an outburst in such a model of change. Also the lack of freedom and suppression leads to dissatisfaction and anger against the system. Such an ideology can never bring about permanent and sustainable results.

Analogically it can be said that human beings have attempted to recreate the creation by creating pseudo systems like the society and organisations . Therefore the result of choosing the Temporary model of change in both an organisation and the creation should follow the same pattern.


A permanent change is based on the principle of "Voluntarism " and "Free Will". Permanent change is a slow change, based on calm understanding, logic, conviction, consensus, consent, wisdom and continual improvement . Ea ch individual is free to make his own choices. In such a model of change, an individual is assigned a target i.e. a Desired Output. However, he is given all freedom to work towards the target as per his own convenience balancing other aspects of his life.

On the other hand a regulating mechanism is ensured to regulate the individual from approaching thresholds of negligence. Management in organisation plays the role of such a regulator. Once the time frame for evaluation is over, the Actual Output is computed and the difference and delta is

calculated. This enables the individuals to assess the future scope of improvement.

Therefore the three sub-parts of the Permanent / Long Term Sustainable Model of Change are:

1. Desired Output (Desired Point )

2. Threshold Value ( Set Point )

3. Actual Output ( Actual Point )

The following are the benefits of following a Permanent Model of change:

1. The organisation or system owner achieves good results.

2. The individual feels the sense of motivation and satisfaction since his weaknesses and preferences are kept in mind while operating.

3. The individual is inclined towards further improvement.

At the root of this change is the principle of free will, operating within the astral constraints. The role of the Astral Plane as a regulator and enabler would be approached in greater detail in the later parts of the paper, once when the connect between Ideal Change Management Model and the Quantum Superposition’s probable role of an Ideal Change Tool appears

to be smooth and logical.

However the difference between Temporary and Permanent change mechanisms is clearly evident and there is no doubt in stating that the latter is a sustainable model and must be opted for bring positive and sustainable change.


According to quantum mechanics, the subatomic level of the world exists in a state of superposition where a subatomic particle exists partly in all its particular, theoretically possible states (or, configuration of its properties) simultaneously; but, when measured or observed, it gives a result corresponding to only one of the possible configurations. In other words, a sub atomic particle is spread out all over the place as a wave of potentials until an observer localises

it as an actual particle through that very act of observation. Let us look at the act of choosing in detail.

The famous double-slit experiment actually captured this protean nature of the quantum world. The double -slit experiment essentially launched particles through a single slit, whereby ea ch particle left a residual mark on the back wall where it landed (creating a single band pattern). However, when particles were launched through two slits, they left a residual interference pattern on the back wall (which c an only be created by waves that interfere with each other). Even when particles were launched through the two slits one at a time, they still created an interference pattern. (This occurrence is impossible according to classical physics.) So, in order to figure out how this interference pattern was occurring, physicists placed a measuring device by the slits to observe the particles after they were launched.

Astonishingly, when the particles were launched with the measuring device in place, they actually created a residual mark of a double band pattern (which was expected in the first place). What physicists determined was that, prior to being observed, each single particle actually existed as a wave of potentials that simultaneously went through both slits at the same time; thus interfering with itself and leaving a residual interference pattern. So in essence, observation then collapses the quantum wave function of particles and thus localises them at a fixed point.

The entire scientific community was baffled by this strange mechanism. When there is no observer, the result is a wave and when there is one, then the result is a particle. Prior to any observation or measurement, things exist as a wave of potentials. The act of observation collapses the wave of potential into discrete points.

Why would the creator opt for such a design or what purpose could such a mechanism be fulfilling?

If we consider the six axioms mentioned at the beginning of this paper to be correct and true , it seems apparent that the objective of the mechanism of Quantum Superposition is to provide observers the facility to choose. Let us consider the 2 debated models of Free Will and try to make few subtle observations.


If this creation were to be predestined wherein every event would have been fixed, what could be achieved by having a mechanism such as Quantum Superposition? Creation being predetermined would have been like a movie being played and such determinism would have defeated the concept of improvement and in this case all our axioms. In fact, if the creation were predestined, then ideally, the double slit experiment should have rendered particles as results in both the conditions, i.e. with and without an observer. Since it is the other way round, therefore the act of choosing which has been catered to by the mechanism of Quantum Superposition addresses the sub-part 3 of the Permanent/Long term Sustainable model of change.


Suppose there was an in -deterministic model of creation, what could have been the purpose of keeping a mechanism such as Quantum Superposition in it? In the previous paragraph we concluded that the mechanism of Quantum Superposition provides observers the facility to choose. It needs to be appreciated that choice without regulation would lead to randomness

and chaos. Also, having a random model of creation defeats the concept of creating the creation and also of improvement and the very basis of any religion in the world. If we observe Mother Nature, we are aware of her simplicity, precision, order and equal treatment to all.

This brings us to two conclusions:

1. Either the creation has no objective and is completely random or,

2. There needs to be a regulation factor, a sort of a set point, desired point, which would make complete sense and harmonise with the Permanent/Long Term sustainable model of change.

In order t o elaborate further on the regulation factor, let us study the example of a GPS. The GPS comprises of the following three key parameters:

1. Desired Coordinate

2. Threshold Coordinate

3. Actual Coordinate

The purpose of a GPS is to ensure that an individual reaches the desired destination, with least obstacles and as per the individual’s own freewill and convenience.

Therefore, there must be a regulation factor in order for Quantum Superposition mechanism to work without creating randomness and chaos.

In the Eastern tradition, the heavenly bodies and the astral plane have been described to play the role of a regulator. Therefore we would like to bridge the mechanism of Quantum Superposition which provides the facility of choosing and the astral and planetary influence together and propose a hybrid model of Limited Free will.


So far we have analysed the deterministic and in - deterministic models of creation and concluded that in order to ensure sustainable, conclusive

and accurate change, there must be a change mechanism having the following attributes:

1. Having a desired output defined

2. Provision of free will to the observers i.e. the act of choosing.

3. Regulation of the observers to ensure the desired output.

We use the above factors quite evidently while using a GPS. Though these factors act and exist

for every observer for each time frame they spend in this Physical creation , however, the lack of conscious awareness of individuals makes them ignorant of the three factors mentioned above .

Let us try and understand these three factors in detail and in light of the eastern spiritual wisdom.


As per the eastern spiritual traditions each observer has a peculiar karmic c onfiguration. As per Brihat Parashar Hora Shashtra and Jamini Sutras (the well -known ancient astrology texts ), individuals with similar traits, parameters are born in similar Nakshatras or Constellations. The Barahmasah a as written by Huzur Soami Ji Maharaj describe s the type of individual s who take birth in a particular Amanta Month and the pattern of life they experience in the normal course of their life. Physiognomy, astrology and other occult sciences also suggest that the desired improvements and corrections in individuals are ensured by nature by expressing the same through astral configurations, i.e. an individual is born in a particular Amanta Month, which could cater the process of his improvement and also with a peculiar arrangement of the planets in the sky affecting the individual in desired unique ways . The objective of this paper is not to delve into the details of astrology or other occult science s, but to philosophically understand that the desired output of an individual and creation may be expressed in various ways as explained above and all these concepts must be investigated through hybridised interdisciplinary experiments which would be suggested in the last section of this paper. As far as the desired part of the creation is concerned, it appears to be quite predetermined.


So far in the model of Limited Free Will we have understood that the desired output of an individual or creation is expressed in terms of astral configurations i.e. unique customised life patterns. An observer at any instant of time executes his act of choosing which is through the Quantum Superposition mechanism . The result of this act is a collapsed result that is the desired result or karma.

This part of the creation is not predetermined and is based completely on free will of the individual observer.


Definition of the desired output of an individual is expressed in terms of the astral configuration provisioned to the observer. This configuration determines the potential and the limitations of an individual observer. This component again appears to be predetermined.

The mechanism of Quantum superposition provides the capability of making choices with freedom. This component of the model appears to be based on free will.

The astral configuration of an individual exerts a force on the individual observer and acts similar to the set point in a GPS. It ensures that the observers operate within their astral limitations. Different planets in the creation are composed of different vibrations, frequencies and elements. These planets influence an observer in different ways as per their placement based on the observer’s energy fields. In case of humans, the chakra system comprises of different chakras each having its unique property, associated element and energy. The astral plane influences these chakras of individual s and ends up in determining the course of events in an individual observer’s life. This aspect of the model seems to be predetermined too.

Let us attempt to summarize the Limited Free Will Model:

1. Quantum Superposition is a mechanism to bring about control led change in the creation.

2. The desired output is expressed in planetary and astral terms based on natures designed algorithms. The Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra by Rishi Parashar, the Jamini Sutras by Rishi Jamini and the Barahmasahas as written by Huzur Soamiji Maharaj give great insight into these algorithms and the purpose of being born with a certain astral configuration.

3. Individuals have the freedom of making choices but within the regulated astral boundaries.

4. The planetary and astral plane serve s as a regulating factor for all observers.


The term astrology is referred to as Jyotish in the Eastern traditions. The word Jyotish comes from the word Jyot which refers to the region of Sahas Dal Kanwal as described in the religion of saints.

The religion of saints further speaks of the causal and the spiritual planes which are out of the physical scope of assessment and can only be known and experienced through true inner spiritual practices. These higher planes enable individuals to access the cause and the prime cause of their births and their karmas. However let us limit ourselves to the astral plane and understand that the astral bodies try and force us to experience our lives in a certain patter n as seen in the diagram above.

In our opinion at a given point in time, the frequencies of different chakras and t heir magnitude determine the perception and these frequencies get converted from frequency domain to time domain leading to future events. There is a direct link which between chakra frequencies and the future events but all this needs to be experimentally explored. Major planetary shifts lead to major energy shifts in individuals with lower levels of spirituality. On the other hand we need to acknowledge and appreciate the gift of light and sound meditation endowed to us by the creator. Light and sound meditation has the potential of opposing the astral force and resulting in more free will. It is appropriate to state that the Level of spiritual awareness of an individual should be directly proportional to his free will. Through meditation, an individual can reduce these planetary influences and increase his free will.

God does not play dice, however individual observers surely do.


So far we have enquired as to how the karmic computation happens. Now we will try and understand how the karmic data is expressed in terms of Physiognomy and is saved in all our physical features and characteristics. There are several ways of decoding nature’s Karmic data. These are as follows:

1. All facial features (Forehead lines, shape of nose, ears, lips etc.)

2. Palmistry

3. All motions (Moving of eyes hands, legs etc.)

4. The tone, tenor and scale of the voice of a person.

5. The visual aura of an individual contains all such information.

6. The audible sound current of an individual also contains all such information.

Vedic Astrology is not a natural way of understanding the ways of working of nature since it is just a mathematical model which was created by Rishi Parashar, Brighu and Jamini most probably by observing the auras of several individuals and understanding the same in light of mundane astronomical phenomenon and then formulating a mathematical model for making astrology for individuals having less developed faculties.

Also the level of spiritual awareness of an individual would be indirectly proportional to the accuracy of astrological predictions . For spiritually sound individuals, the accuracy of astrological predictions would turn out to be less accurate which can be experimentally approached.


This paper is a philosophical attempt to explore this complex debated subjected of free will. Based on our study so far the following are the suggestions we have with regards to the further course of scientific investigations in this area:

1. Since subjective psychological measurements have limitations of physical measurement techniques, it would be appropriate to use astrological mathematical systems in order to understand mundane astronomical phenomenon and related behavioural patterns.

2. Through psychological and scientific measurements, we should try and prove that level of spiritual awareness of an individual is indirectly proportional to the accuracy of Vedic astrological predictions.

3. We urge the scientific community to align the Vedic astrology and physiognomy systems , especially the Vimshottari and Chara dasha system s while making any sort of neural, physical or psychological measurements of individuals, post birth time rectification. Also while conducting experimentation; scientists should study mundane astrological influences on their experiments.

4. Since major planetary shifts would lead to major energy shifts in individuals wi th lower levels of spirituality, predictive techniques could be used to assess the proposed models of free will.

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